This is a complete system. Camera is Mamiya Super 16- not tested but appears to be in good condition, comes with brown case. The case has writing on the inside- name of previous owner. Stamped made in Occupied Japan which indicates this is an earlier model. Seriter Shutter Release Timer Vintage- metal and appears to be working. Honeywell Tilt-A-Mite Flash with storage case- also appears to be in great condition. Panchromatic- 10 exposure, 6 per box for a total of 15 rolls (2 1/2 boxes) which is 150 exposure total. Also, film canisters included, and 2 appear to have film in them. The film is loaded into canister, and canister into camera. This is a great system to have for a photographer or collector. However, I do believe all works, but if not, still a nice show piece of history to own and share. I enjoyed learning about it while researching it.